Cattle on the Palouse

Beef Operations

About WSU Beef Operations

The mission of the beef program is to serve the beef industry and consumers in the state of Washington, the western region, and the nation, by providing solutions to new and existing problems through basic and applied research. The extension arm of the program transfers the knowledge gained to the industry and in turn communicates pressing beef industry research needs to the research scientists. The teaching arm of the beef program prepares future leaders in the beef industry by providing experiences to develop leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills. A goal of the beef program is to train students who are highly sought after by employers upon graduation due to their beef cattle expertise. We accomplish this by providing student activities (e.g., Cougar Cattle Feeders, Block and Bridle Club, etc.), internships, externships, undergraduate research opportunities and jobs at the Beef Center.

WSU Premium Beef Logo

WSU Premium Beef

The WSU Premium Beef brand focuses on producing a high-quality, local product. The Department of Animal Sciences is home to a pasture-to-plate beef cattle herd that offers an unparalleled experience for students to learn about beef production.

WSU Wagyus

With the WSU beef cow/calf production system, we treat Wagyu, Angus and crossbred cattle the same. This allows for the best cows of any breed type to rise to the top and illustrate a breed’s potential under common environmental pressures.


Ensminger Beef Center

The Ensminger Beef Center provides support for Animal Sciences courses and courses based out of other WSU departments including the Veterinary School and Crop and Soil Sciences.

Pullman Campus Map

Ensminger Beef Center

Cattle Feeding Lab

The Cattle Feeding Lab is a cattle feedyard that supports research, Extension, and teaching goals.

Pullman Campus Map

Cattle Feeding Lab
