Clubs and Organizations display

Clubs & Organizations

Animal Sciences Graduate Student Association (ASGSA)

Animal Sciences Graduate Student Association – Photo by Jennifer Michal

ASGSA’s mission is to represent the graduate students within the Department of Animal Sciences in the College of Agricultural, Human and Natural Resource Sciences at Washington State University in promoting cooperation, leadership, professionalism, and animal science both intramurally and off-campus.

AdvisorDr. Kris Johnson

Follow ASGSA on Instagram

Block & Bridle

Block & Bridle Club Members
Block & Bridle

The Block and Bridle Club is made up of students who have an interest in working with livestock and the livestock industry. Throughout the year, club members work with the WSU Beef Center to train, fit, and sell heifers and steers. This allows the members to work with animals, earn money for club activities, learn to fit and train large animals, and to interact with producers on sale days. Other Club activities include hat sales and occasional working trips to western ranches. Students interested in a social organization that allows the development of leadership skills should consider joining. The Block and Bridle Club welcomes all new members regardless of livestock experience.

Advisor: Dr. Holly Neibergs

Collegiate Horsemen’s Association

Collegiate Horsemen's Association Members 2022
Collegiate Horsemen’s Association

Members of Collegiate Horsemen’s Association are interested in all things horse-related. We welcome and encourage anyone to join our club, regardless of horse experience. We have scheduled professionals in many areas of the horse industry, including an equine dentist, a farrier, and equine veterinary resident to come talk to us about their jobs. We are planning to visit some horse operations in the area where we can see some world-class cutting and reining horses and meet their trainers. In the future, the club would like to sponsor a poker ride or a “horse fun” day for area youth. For more information about CHA, look for our Facebook page or send us an email.

Advisor: Jennifer Michal

Companion Animal Club

Companion Animal Club (CAC)

The Companion Animal Club is dedicated to educating and providing hands-on experience of companion animals. We provide outlets of information of all species of companion animals. Including: dogs, cats, rabbits, reptiles, guinea pigs, ferrets, mice, rats, and birds. We have educational field trips, chances to interact with live animals, socializing opportunities, and great guest speakers relating to companion animals, careers with animals, volunteering opportunities, and more. So far we have worked with the Whitman County Humane Society and Cooper’s Legacy, had doggy bandanna making events for fund-raising, hosted guest speakers, practiced dog handling and worked on the Pet your Stress Away event. Anyone from any major is welcome to come and be a part of the club. Send us an email if you are interested or would like to know more!

AdvisorDr. Martin Maquivar

Cooperative University Dairy Students

We are CUDS, a cooperative in which a group of students manages our own herd at the Knott Dairy Center just off campus. We milk 30-40 cows at any given time and raise calves born on our farm to eventually integrate them into our lactating herd. The milk we produce goes to the WSU creamery and is used in Cougar Gold cheese and Ferdinand’s ice cream! CUDS provides a great opportunity for hands-on experience in the dairy industry, both on the management and veterinary sides of the operation.

AdvisorDr. Marcos Marcondes
Advisor: Allison Herrick

WSU Email:

Cougar Cattle Feeders

Cougar Cattle Feeders

The Cougar Cattle Feeders is a group of undergraduate students, who have a strong interest in the beef industry. Each year 10-15 students are selected to participate in this intensive program. Students contact producers to solicit the donation of steers or heifers to the Cougar Pride Program, which is a way for producers to support WSU Animal Sciences. Students in consultation with advisors are responsible for all aspects of feeding, caring and management of both donated and custom fed animals.

Give to the Cougar Cattle Feeders Excellence Fund

Dairy Club

Dairy Club members
Dairy Club

Dairy Club has a membership of about 20 students who have an interest in the dairy industry. Dairy Club meets every week to plan both social and educational activities for the members and the college community, as well as to participate in discussion of dairy issues with faculty or invited guest speakers. Major activities include Cougar Cheese Sale, field trips, retreats, barbecues, maintenance of the WSU Dairy Club Web Page, a fall recognition banquet, Cougar Youth Instructional Weekend, participation in the Student Affiliate Division (SAD) of the American Dairy Science Association (ADSA), Hoard’s Dairyman Cattle Judging Contest, and the Back-to-School Farm Olympiad. Milk and cookies are served at all meetings.

AdvisorDr. Martin Maquivar

Pre-Vet Club

The Pre-Vet Club is a club that offers an academic and social support system for pre-professional students in veterinary medicine. It promotes scholarship, fellowship, leadership and character among its members through bimonthly meetings, pertinent trips and activities. Our main goal is to educate members on careers in veterinary medicine and provide information regarding entrance requirements to the various veterinary colleges.


Student Swine Cooperative

Student Swine Cooperative

The Student Swine Cooperative (SSC) is a group of undergraduate students interested in learning about swine management and receiving hands-on experience. The students work closely with advisors and members of the pork industry. They are responsible for managing a small herd farrow to finish in a modern swine facility. The students are responsible for all aspects of running a profitable business. Students also have the opportunity to get involved in the industry and help educate the general public about the pork industry through community service. Since this is a cooperative, students also learn how to work as a team.

AdvisorDr. Kris Johnson