What a pleasure to be returning to somewhat normal, following an extended pandemic that has impacted our research, teaching and Extension in the Department of Animal Sciences. The opportunity for in person instruction, meetings, reinvigoration of student clubs, student labs, undergraduate research and internships, and field trips all translate to an improved learning environment. There is a positive outlook amongst the obvious relief of the challenges of COVID mitigation strategies. This was a test to be sure, but it also emphasized the resilience and ingenuity of the AS faculty, staff, and students. We did not waiver in our commitment to excellence and our attempts to fulfill our land-grant mission. I can meet stakeholders, get to know our AS students, start efforts to recover enrollment numbers, and solicit resources towards ensuring that Animal Sciences remains progressive, relevant and a valued resource to our state, region, and nation.
On the horizon, we will be hiring a meat scientist, an expert in functional genomics, and an environmental physiologist/precision agriculture faculty member. These positions align with our vision for Animal Sciences, fulfilling vacancies in areas where we have lost faculty to retirement and adding expertise in areas that matter to our students and our industry partners. We will continue to solicit and hear the advice and guidance from our alumni, our stakeholders, and the industry. The principle of “COUGS helping COUGS” lives strong and serves as encouragement as we partner to ensure that WSU Animal Sciences continues to grow, train our next generation, and identify solutions for our imminent and forecast challenges.
Stop by, say hello, share ideas, and please help support Animal Sciences so that together we remain empowered, emboldened, engaged and exceptional!!